Honey has been used as an alternative and natural remedy for thousands of years. Honey, which has antiseptic¹ and antibacterial² properties, is good for the human body in many ways. 

Its earliest use for medicinal purposes can be seen in Sumerian clay tablets which are around 4000 years old. Also in India, honey is a significant part of Siddha³ and Ayurveda⁴, which are traditional methods of medicine.

In ancient Egypt, honey was used in the treatment of eye and skin diseases, wounds and burns. Today, the use of honey is the subject of many studies.

Would you like to learn the most important benefits of honey?

Now we will explain it to you one by one…

1. Honey balances Blood Pressure

If you are among those who tend to get dizzy when you stand up quickly, you may have low blood pressure. Low blood pressure means not enough blood, but most importantly, not enough oxygen reaches the brain. If you feel dizzy when you put your head down, it could be because you have high blood pressure. Either because of high blood pressure or due to lack of oxygen you feel dizzy.

Consuming honey evens out these imbalances. Blood pressure builds up depending upon the requirement of the body. People think hypertension is a disease. However, it is not. It is an adjustment that the body makes. If for some reason the body needs more oxygen and other nutrients than it normally does, or the blood is not of the quality that it should be, quicker circulation or more frequent servicing of the organs is required. So the system  pumps harder and pressure builds up.

For low blood pressure, the system has adjusted itself to pump low. Or it could be congenital – the system is not strong enough to pump as it is needed. Or there may be some other issue with the circulatory process or the chemistry of the blood. Often, a combination of factors contributes to this condition. Similarly with hypertension – it creates a secondary layer of consequences, but the first layer of consequence is hypertension itself – it is a consequence, not a cause.


2. Honey combats Anemia

Anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the blood. When there isn’t enough iron in the blood, a person will feel exhausted because the ability to carry oxygen through the body is reduced. If you do not have enough oxygen, your heart, your brain, everything in your body will function on a lower level. So building up oxygen in the blood is extremely important. How healthy the body is and how easily it rejuvenates itself depends on the level of oxygen in the blood. 

Honey is good against anemia. If you consume a little bit of honey in warm water on a daily basis, you will see, the red blood cell count will gradually go up. Once there is more oxygen in the blood, you will feel a burst of energy. Suddenly, everything will be more active – rejuvenation and cell renewal will go up, and the level of inertia in your body and mind will go down.

3. Honey is Antibacterial and Antiseptic

Consumption of honey increases beneficial antioxidants in your body, stimulates antibodies and fights harmful microbial activity. As a result of the research, it is seen that honey heals wounds. 

Another benefit of honey in traditional medicine is that it cures respiratory infections. By consuming honey daily, you can deal with problems such as excess mucus and asthma.

In addition, honey can destroy foodborne disease pathogens. Like Escherichia coli and Salmonella…

According to many studies, your body fights against bacteria and infections thanks to honey.

4. Honey is safer compared to Sugar

There is no more reliable alternative than honey to meet your daily sugar needs. There has been a lot of research on the harms of white sugar. Although honey is sweet, it differs from sugar in terms of substance. 

It contains about %30 glucose, %40 fructose – two monosaccharide or simple sugars- and %20 other complex sugars. It also contains dextrin, a starchy fiber. In this way, honey can regulate the body’s blood sugar levels.

5. Honey gives Energy

Honey is known in traditional medicine as an instant energy booster. As we just mentioned, it has many sugar molecules, especially glucose and fructose. Compared to white sugar, these two sugars are separate in honey and glucose acts as an instant energy. 

The United States National Honey Board recommends the consumption of honey because of the many vitamins and minerals it contains, even in small amounts. These can be listed as follows: niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

6. Honey helps Digestion

Honey contains probiotic or “friendly” bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These aid digestion, strengthen the immune system and reduce allergies. Also, honey is a mild laxative. So it helps to reduce constipation, bloating and gas.


7. Honey fights Skin and Scalp Infections

Honey is also a natural solution for the skin and scalp. Studies have examined the effects of honey in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. In this study, patients gently rubbed the problem areas with diluted raw honey for 2-3 minutes everyday. After waiting for 3 hours, they washed it with warm water. And all patients showed improvement. The itching was relieved. Within 1-2 weeks, scaling and lesions disappeared. Hair loss has also passed.


8. Honey and Yoga

Yoga is about becoming conscious of all these wonderful nuances of the body. The more nuances you become aware of, the finer your life will become. Otherwise, it is a gross existence – simply eat, sleep, die.  

If you practice yoga in your daily life, honey consumption will be very useful for you. It is very important to keep the circulatory system and blood chemistry in balance as you move your body. Honey helps you with this and keeps you more active. You can consume honey in warm water to open this system.

 Antiseptic: An antiseptic is an antimicrobial substance or compound that is applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infectionsepsis, or putrefaction.

² Antibacterial: Antibacterial usually refers to an antibiotic, a principal type of antimicrobial agent used mainly against bacteria; it may kill or inhibit them.

³ Siddha: Siddha is a term that is used widely in Indian religions and culture. It means “one who is accomplished.” It refers to perfected masters who have achieved a high degree of physical as well as spiritual perfection or enlightenment.

⁴ Ayurveda: Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.

