Elvish is a community of women and men that advocates for women.

Peri Kababulut
Hi! My name is Peri Kababulut and I am the founder and chief dreamer of ELVISH. I graduated from Marmara University Tourism Management in 2020. I live between Istanbul, New York and London.
I am the visionary bringing this hidden, underrepresented most secret form of medicine to the outer world. A proud Laz by marriage, Living among and observing Laz people, witnessing effects of this natural antibiotic on their everyday life I was convinced that this can be the start of something far greater than just sales of the best honey.
Vision behind Elvish is creating a sustainable, ethical and cultural environment, a functioning village in the untouched mountains of Black-sea while bringing back the forgotten 4000 years of Laz heritage, values and customs. My aim is to create this community and family while providing them with the most valuable resource of these lands; Elvish Honey.
Arts And Cultural Manager
Gülşah Sözer
“For me, ELVISH is a warm community where I grow my creativity, experiences, and my passion for learning and sharing day by day, with the pride of being a woman.”
Hello! I am Gülşah Sözer who is Arts and Cultural Manager of ELVISH.
I completed my bachelor’s degree at Yeditepe University and studied Arts and Cultural Management. I was chosen as the most successful student in the Arts and Cultural Management department twice which is an honor for me . After my bachelor’s degree, I finished my Master’s Degree in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) with the same major.
During my education I worked in several visual arts/music institutions such as Sonik Butik, Sanatorium, Daire Sanat. After my graduation, I worked as a copywriter and video editor for two different Youtube channels. I especially gained experience in areas such as organization, marketing, event management, social media, copywriting and content creation.
Thanks to my family background, as a Laz, I always want to show how the tradition and culture of this magnificent geography has been and should be preserved for centuries. As an ELVISH member, I always want to emphasize what nature shares with us and its importance for us. I know that I am in the right place for this and I am really happy to be a part of the ELVISH team.

Oya Akman
“I take my motivation from nature. While describing nature with a “simple symbolization”, I also reflect the geometric forms of nature in my works. As a designer who cares about being innovative, I found the inspiration of the ELVISH bottle in the form of a pinecone. The pinecone stylization symbolizes the characteristics of the region. In addition, thanks to the feature of the surface, it makes the honey look brighter and higher quality. You take a pinecone with a glass crystal effect in your hand and pour this precious and special honey from there.”
Hello! I am Dr. Oya Akman who is the designer of the ELVISH bottle.
I completed my bachelor, master and doctoral studies at Mimar Sinan University. I also worked as an academician at the Department of Industrial Product Design at Istanbul Technical University between 1993 and 2005.
As a designer in furniture, textile, ceramics, plastic and glass sectors throughout my professional career, I have nearly 40 years of experience in the design world.
I have won many important awards such as German Design Award Special 2016, Pentawards Bronze 2015, Worldstar 2015, Crescents and Stars for Packaging “Gold Award” 2018, Good Design 2010 and more.
In addition, I participated in many fairs and exhibitions in Turkey and abroad such as Frankfurt Fair Ambiente, Istanbul Design Week, ILk in Milano, IFA Fair German Design Council Exhibition Design Award Nominee Selection and more.
Glasses designed by me were sold at MoMA (In the “Destination: İstanbul” Collection, 2011). MoMA is one of the most important modern and contemporary art museums in New York. In 2022, I got the patent for the “glass machine” that I designed from the US which is really important as an invention.
design and brand consultant
Meral Değer
Hello! I am Meral Değer who is the Design and Brand Consultant of ELVISH.
I studied at the Department of Graphic Design at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul and received my masters degree in 1983. I continued my education in jewelry design and techniques between 1995-1999, glass design and techniques between 2004-2010 at the Glass Furnace Foundation Istanbul. In 2000-2003, I lectured at Yildiz Technical University in İstanbul in the Department of Applied Arts.
I have won many important awards and joined many fairs and residences such as SOFA IE Chicago, USA (2011), Abate Zanetti Murano Glass Design Competition – Venice Biennale, IT (2012), SOFA International Exposition Chicago, USA (2013), SOFA International Exposition Chicago, USA (2014), Glass Furnace Foundation, “New Techniques in Turkish Glass Art”, TR (2022) and more.
The nature that surrounds us and for which we are a part is my greatest source of inspiration. I am an admirer of its creativity and designs, and I describe my own creations as reflections of nature.
I have always felt it important to emphasize nature’s preciousness. And the Elvish Project with its “Elvish Honey,” one of the rarest products generated by nature itself in the Black Sea region, very much supports this aim as well…
It has been a wonderful experience getting to know the project. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to take part in the creative process by supporting this gifted, open-hearted team.
Warm regards,

graphics designer
Burçak Uçaner
Hello! I am Burçak Uçaner who is the logotype and corporate identity designer of ELVISH. I graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Publicity in 1997.
Since 1998, I have worked on numberless projects in the fields of Campaign Strategy Creation, Campaign Preparation and Management, Corporate Identity and Branding, Graphics Design and Social Media in my own private company.
I begin all my design works with the principle of “Less is More”.
Even though this principle pushed me hard most of the time, I did not compromise as much as possible. I strive to make results-oriented, functional, user-friendly, free from redundancies, peaceful and independent designs in all my works.
The main starting point of ELVISH’s brand designs was to reflect the past and the future together. While aiming for a modern and minimalistic picture with straight and plain edges, I tried to create an aesthetic and luxurious picture with classical serif lines. I wanted to emphasize the fluidity of honey with soft lines.
I am very happy and proud to design the brand and corporate identity of this very precious product and to be a part of this beautiful team. All the best ELVISH!
Product Designer
Hümeyra Dülger
Hi! I'm Hümeyra, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering Department. Post-graduation, I achieved first place in a design competition, and the scholarship I won took me to study for a master's degree at the University of Politecnico di Milano.
Immersing myself in Milan's dynamic design atmosphere allowed me to expand my knowledge and skills on an international scale. Now, as a proud member of the Lazzoni team, a leading player in the furniture industry, I actively contribute my design expertise to the company's projects.
"For me, Elvish is more than a brand; it's a delightful community where my creativity blossoms, and I continuously gather valuable experiences. It's a realm where my passion for learning and sharing sparks daily. Being associated with ELVISH fills me with immense pride, not just as a professional but also as a woman contributing to the distinctive and inviting essence of this brand."